Provider of services and products related to management and optimization of production and consumption of energy and water and development of related technologies:

1- Studying, designing, implementing, and monitoring the implementation of plans and programs in the field of energy management.

2- Providing equipment and technical knowledge related to energy management from inside and outside the country and providing training related to them.

3- Research and development, promotion and training, and providing advice in various fields of energy management.

  • Our specialized areas, relying on the latest technologies and technical knowledge in energy management, are:

Consulting services, technical and economic feasibility studies of projects, energy audit, energy management system, energy services (ESCO), design of software systems specific to the energy field, technical examination and inspection, review and formulation of standards, development of technical knowledge and engineering services in The field of renewable energy and water, supply of equipment and design and construction of equipment and services related to them.

  • Our service coverage includes:

All systems and organizations that need energy management services throughout the country and region.