Post design services and transmission and distribution lines of AsiaWatt Company
The substation design department and transmission and distribution lines of AsiaWatt Company provides the following services in the fields of high voltage substations, transmission and distribution network.
- Design, engineering and consulting services
- Basic, conceptual and detailed designs with their details, financial and technical evaluation,
- Preparation of technical specifications and tender documents along with preliminary drawings.
- Conducting tender procedures for purchasing materials and equipment, selecting contractors
- Excellent supervision and workshop
- studies and comprehensive design of electricity supply,
- Optimization and engineering of distribution networks with the aim of reducing electricity losses and energy costs
- Improving the distribution system and investigating ways to increase the efficiency of distribution facilities
- Providing distribution mechanization plans
- specialized training,
- Project management and control
- Studying load quality of distribution networks and load balancing
- Reliability studies
- Short circuit studies
- Load spreading studies
- Voltage fluctuation control
- Optimal allocation of capacity
- Optimal lighting design