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Title of the course: Compilation of building energy baseline
Duration of the course: one day – 8 hours
Date of holding:
Prerequisite: None
Course type: specialized
How to perform: attendance with full reception
Teaching method: theory and practice
- Principles and application of energy baseline
1-1 Getting to know the energy baseline and its applications
1-2 Normal and abnormal baseline corrections
1-3 Analysis of electricity and gas consumption of the building
1-4 Determining the base line label of the building according to the national standard
1-5 Calculation of energy saving using baseline
- Statistical analysis and regression
2-1 Key variables affecting building gas consumption
2-2 key variables affecting the electricity consumption of the building
2-3 Familiarity with one-variable and two-variable linear regression
2-4 Regression analysis and its statistics
- Compilation of the baseline and practical group work
3-1 Compilation of the building gas baseline
3-2 Preparation of the building’s electrical base line
3-3 Doing a practical and group project
Acquaintance of energy management committee members and technical experts with how to calculate building energy baseline
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